Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Feeling Inspired

Yesterday while the baby ate Cheerios in my lap, before our walk, I flipped on the tv and at 8:30 in the morning Genevieve Gorder was on hgtv showing an episode of her guest bedroom. I feel like I had a total epiphany! Something about her guest room design totally made my brain click and I instantly knew what we needed to do for our master bedroom! It's currently lavender. Purple. Easter egg pastel. And somehow it's all just okie dokie. I've felt so burnt out from taking care of a 4month old to now a 1 year old and doing painting and renovating at the same time that I've left our master for last bc well (here comes the line of excuses...) we only sleep in that room, and it's usually dark bc we're only up there after the sun goes down.... Yada yada, that room had turned into a lazy excuse. So... Now that I have a spring board of an idea, I feel inspired to change it up and make it awesome. Sometimes the grand ideas just take time and a little inspiration. I don't like to make changes or paint a room 'just because'. Just think, Cian blue, some crazy patterns and wide black and white stripes... With a little bit of copper. Ooh I'm excited!!